Indeed, Fluoman did not published any art books during his life.
This project, as a tribute, has to emphasize his work through a book worthy of it.
This book will be a great retrospective of Fluoman’s beloved themes: Africa (Ethiopia, West Africa an South Africa), Reggae music and Marseilles.
About 60 paintings will be reproduced with different quotations from Fluoman interviews.
It is planned to ask Contemporary artists for the preface.
The conception of the book will be made by a professional graphist, helped by Fluoman’s familly,and will insist on a modern and uncluttered page setting, entirely made to emphasize the painter’s works.
The book cover will be printed with a unique fluorescent printing technique.
A landscape size would be the ideal one in order to put the book in a « global » boxed set.
Because of Fluoman’s international fame in the reggae movement, an English translation has to be placed next to French texts.
This lack of translation was a terrible default of the catalogue showing the exhibition in Chartres.
This art book is truly expected, so this coming edition shall be a unique object with 3 dimensions which could find its place in academic libraries, museums and galeries.
merci de m’informer pour l’achat de ce livre