The Film

A Documentary

The Dvd will contain a 52 minutes long documentary on Fluoman’s life.

It will be a documentary between a biography and a journey in the painter’s world and an alternation of archives and different documents shot
Interviews will lead the audience in a deep discovery of some paintings or side of Fluoman and all with an educative tone.
It will be sometimes institutional because of the painter and his career’s range, but still musical and with colours according to the recordings already available.


The story of this documentory will melt with Fluoman’s life: the different places he painted or dwelled will be where the recordings will be made.
These recordings will composed a tribute album and also the soundtrack for the interviews. Thus, Jamaica, Mali, Ethiopia, Marseilles and Chartres have to be in the documentary.

The story is a journey, a journey in Fluoman’s life and work and in the same taime in the movement triggered by his death.

The video project will integrate meetings with the musicians, the making of musics and lyrics, the recordings, concerts..(Original compositions by The Congos in a hotel room of Montpellier, one-shots by Earl 16 and Manjus (Zicalizes 2008 where Fluoman’s works were shown), a smily sound recording with Israel Vibration are already available. Also available: concert extracts with The Congos, Lone Ranger or I Jah Man Levi in front of Fluoman’s paintings.)


Finally and for the very first time since its creation, this DVD will integrate a remastered short movies by Fluoman (Fluo System; 1981). It depicts, with reggae music, the countless possibilities of mixing lights on paintings: it is the Fluo System concept created by Fluoman.

Finally, the story is the story of an injustice: Fluoman did not had the possibility to see his art broadcasted, or the elaboration of fluorescent technique; a technique in which he was a pioneer.



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